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A pawfect place for pet owners to connect

Web app
User research
UX / UI design
A cute dog is tied up with their lead to a chair. You can see 2 people's legs who are sat down at a table.


Instagram has seen over 200% growth month-on-month.

WhatsApp community active and growing rapidly.

Pawdly events starting.

Team grows to 4 (we all work on Pawdly our spare time).

Community launching in London, UK and Madrid, Spain.

Web app release October 2024.


I created the concept, brand and website for a new venture: Pawdly.

I was desperate to get a puppy. I am basically obsessed with dachshunds, and while I was researching, I realised it really takes a team to raise a needy pet.

I’m talking about great breeders; rescue homes; pet sitters; dog walkers; great vets. People you can trust with your furry / feathery / scaly pal.

I didn’t want to compromise too much on my lifestyle, so I needed to know how to travel with my dog; where the pet-friendly cafes, restaurants and venues are at home and away and I needed to track down pet-friendly accommodation too.

I couldn’t find a place where all of this and more was in one place. A place where locals, visitors, digital nomads and expats could share their pet knowledge — so I thought I'd create it.

Skills used

Customer research
Brand design
Social media content design
Low-carbon Webflow website design and build
Web app UX design
Usability testing
Foundational design system
Web app UI design
Designer, developer collaboration

Team size

Sole designer / Venture builder.

Team has now grown to 4!
Project length
Concept to launch took around 1 month.

Web app took 3 weeks for design and handover to developer.
A dog and owner sit on a sofa. The owner is looking at an iPhone viewing the Pawdly website. The headline reads "Connect with local pet people."

Research phase

I began by getting a feel for the kind of information pet owners are looking for by sending out a survey in pet owners circles. I then spoke to a number of local pet owners about their pet knowledge needs and pain points.

Lady with very dark curly hair smiling while a dog she is cuddling sniffs her cheek.
"I had to do soooo much research, planning, logistics and money spent to bring my dog to Portugal. I was very stressed that I was missing something."

Survey participant

Website and brand design

Based on feedback from this research, I put together some wireframes to test out content with some local pet owners and to see what did and didn’t resonate.

I then created the Pawdly brand. The wordmark looks fluffy and cuddly. I used fresh green colours as a nod to the great outdoors and chose friendly and welcoming imagery, with pets showcased front and centre. I wanted to make sure the colours, content and interactions were accessible and that designs were producing the lowest levels of carbon possible online.

Early homepage wireframes of the Pawdly site for desktop; tablet and mobileA drawing of an arrow pointing down, It draws your attention to the final designs
The style guide for Pawdly. This shows different sections such as treatments for strategy; tone of voice; logos; colour and typography. .

The initial launch

The launch was initially for a Lisbon Slack community and it was very exciting. The word was spread, pet owners joined and I designed and printed QR code stickers and cards and placed them over Lisbon to boost visibility.

To improve the website incrementally and increase conversions, I used Google Analytics and Hotjar.

The Pawdly site has since been featured on Relume’s site inspiration showcase.

Street electricity box in Lisbon in front of a red wall. On the electricity box are stickers and posters. There is also a round sticker which says Pawdly on it and a square sticker which says "Miaow". The square sticker also has the Pawdly logo and a QR code. Below the QR code is text that says "Scan me!" Below that is text that reads: "join the pet owners' community on"A women sits at a table with a Pawdly card on it. She is holding up another Pawdly card. On the card is a QR code to scan and in larger text it says "Lisbon pet lovers unite."

Pawdly evolves

In late 2024, Pawdly became a team of 2. Together, we expanded Pawdly to WhatsApp and created Pawdly Instagram accounts: Pawdly Portugal Instagram account.  

I put together some social media brand guidelines to help keep the brand consistent across multiple platforms and work for future communities so they could generate branded content themselves on Canva.

The Instagram style guide for Pawdly. This shows different sections such as treatments for logos; tone-of-voice; stickers; infographics; imagery; colour and typography.

The Pawdly web app

The excitement didn't stop there. I had an idea for web app that could help Pawdly members. I made a simple prototype to explain the concept and I spoke about it with a friend. He really liked the idea and was keen to build it!

The Pawdly team became 3.

I got to work turning the quick concept into a usable and accessible web app and transformed the brand into a foundational design system, ready for introducing new components as the app scales.

Watch this space for the App's launch...

And ... Pawdly is now expanding to London and Madrid, with a new team member heading up the UK-based communities.

documentation for handover of design system elements for typography, colours, spacing and shadowsdocumentation for handover of design system components for buttons, links and form elements

Get involved!

If you would like to start your own Pawdly community in your city please reach out. We have big ambitions and lots of opportunities for our team to learn new skills and grow.

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How can I help you build your new business venture?

I practice what I preach. I use lean startup methodologies to test and validate new business ideas. Get in touch to discuss how I can help you make your mark.

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